Thursday, October 10, 2013
Luzes LED diretamente nas rodas
Carregador que usa energia eólica
"À ceux qui ignorent, enseignez-leur le plus de choses que vous pourrez; la société est coupable de ne pas donner l'instruction gratis; elle répond de la nuit qu'elle produit. Cette âme est pleine d'ombre, le péché s'y commet. Le coupable n'est pas celui qui y fait le péché, mais celui qui y a fait l'ombre".
[Pequena contribuição literária para o debate sobre a redução da maioridade penal]
Monday, October 7, 2013
At its 31st Sitting (on 1 October 2013), Council of Europe adopted the text of Resolution 1952 (2013) dealing with some issues of 'Children's right to physical integrity', inter alia circumcision for religious reasons.
Council of Europe's important contributions for the protection of children’s
rights and the rapporteur’s (Mrs Marlene Rupprecht, from Germany) commendable
and consistent record of initiatives and reports for the adoption of measures
for the protection of children at European level, the above-mentioned
Resolution fails to consider the uniqueness of Jewish circumcision, treating it
among other forms of circumcision and not even referring to it.
The very fact
that this Resolution states that ‘supporters of the procedures tend to present
as beneficial to the children themselves despite clear evidence to the contrary’
suffices to cause concern.
First, Jewish circumcision is not a practice primarily
based on medical grounds.
Second, the point that should be considered is not
whether Jewish circumcision is medically recommended, but whether this entails
physical or psychological consequences for Jewish boys.
Third, the necessary reference to
discussions on whether circumcision is beneficial or not to boys has been
avoided in a Resolution where it wrongly states ‘clear evidence to the contrary’.
A fair discussion would easily highlight the beneficial consequences of Jewish
circumcision as pointed out by a large number of medical doctors in Europe and
elsewhere and most of all that such consequences carry no negative long-lasting
impact on the lives of Jews, as wrongly mentioned in Resolution 1952 (2013). However, I would like to stress once more, the point is not whether Jewish circumcision is medically recommended, but that this carries no negative consequences.
the growing number of cases of anti-Semitism in Europe, any parliamentary
initiative towards preventing or regulating circumcision should avoid treating
this issue without considering the specificities of Jewish circumcision and
without first consulting with Jews themselves and representatives of their communities.
Resolution 1952 (2013) refers to ‘Children’s right to physical integrity’, we
found just fair to name our draft resolution ‘Adults’ right to intellectual
integrity (concerning Jewish circumcision)’ for the adopted Resolution contains serious mistakes by treating as
equal Jewish circumcision and other forms of circumcision and as comparable to
female genital mutilation. These matters should never be treated in the same
legal text. Of course, the name we chose is exclusively for the purposes of
drawing the necessary attention to these points. However, our draft resolution
could bear a more appropriate name, such as ‘Protection to Jewish circumcision’.
But its name is not the issue at stake.
Here-below we post the text of Council of Europe's Resolution 1952 (2013) for information and we subsequently submit our draft
resolution (produced during Sunday, 6th of October, 2013).
Resolution 1952 (2013)1
Provisional version
Children’s right to physical integrity1. Many legislative and policy measures have been taken by Council of Europe member States in recent decades to improve the well-being of children and their protection against any form of violence. Nevertheless, children continue to be harmed in many different contexts.
2. The Parliamentary Assembly is particularly worried about a category of violation of the physical integrity of children, which supporters of the procedures tend to present as beneficial to the children themselves despite clear evidence to the contrary. This includes, amongst others, female genital mutilation, the circumcision of young boys for religious reasons, early childhood medical interventions in the case of intersexual children and the submission to or coercion of children into piercings, tattoos or plastic surgery.
3. According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), in all actions concerning children, comprising every person under 18, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration and States are required to take “all appropriate ... measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse ... while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child” (Article 3).
4. The Council of Europe has been actively promoting children's rights and child protection since 2006 through its Strategy for the Rights of the Child, and in which “Eliminating all forms of violence against children” can be found as one of four strategic objectives.
5. The Assembly itself has adopted numerous texts drawing attention to various forms of violence inflicted upon children in bad faith (sexual violence in different contexts, violence in schools, domestic violence, etc.). It continues to fight against different forms of violence inflicted upon children via different promotional activities and campaigns (domestic violence, sexual violence). However, it has never looked into the category of non medically justified violations of children’s physical integrity which may have a long-lasting impact on their lives.
6. The Assembly strongly recommends that member States promote further awareness in their societies of the potential risks that some of the above mentioned procedures may have on children's physical and mental health, and take legislative and policy measures that help reinforce child protection in this context.
7. The Assembly therefore calls on member States to:
7.1. examine the prevalence of different categories of non-medically justified operations and
interventions impacting on the physical integrity of children in their respective countries, as well as the specific practices related to them, and to carefully consider them in light of the best interests of the child in order to define specific lines of action for each of them;
7.2. initiate focused awareness-raising measures for each of these categories of violation of the
7.3. provide specific training, including on risks of and alternatives to certain procedures, as well as the medical reasons and minimum sanitary conditions that should be fulfilled when performing them, to various professionals involved, in particular medical and educational staff, but also, on a voluntary basis, religious representatives;
7.4. initiate a public debate, including intercultural and interreligious dialogue, aimed at reaching a large consensus on the rights of children to protection against violations of their physical integrity according to human rights standards;
7.5. take the following measures with regard to specific categories of violation of children’s physical integrity:
7.5.1. publicly condemn the most harmful practices, such as female genital mutilation, and
and effectively fight these practices, including through the application of extraterritorial “legislation or other measures to establish jurisdiction” for cases where nationals are submitted to female genital mutilation abroad, as specified in Article 44 of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (CETS No. 210);
7.5.2. clearly define the medical, sanitary and other conditions to be ensured for practices
which are today widely carried out in certain religious communities, such as the non-medically
justified circumcision of young boys;
7.5.3. undertake further research to increase knowledge about the specific situation of intersex
cosmetic rather than vital for health during infancy or childhood, guarantee bodily integrity,
autonomy and self-determination to persons concerned, and provide families with intersex
children with adequate counselling and support;
7.6. promote an interdisciplinary dialogue between representatives of various professional
backgrounds, including medical doctors and religious representatives, so as to overcome some of the prevailing traditional methods which do not take into consideration the best interest of the child and the latest state of medical art;
7.7. raise awareness about the need to ensure the participation of children in decisions concerning their physical integrity wherever appropriate and possible, and to adopt specific legal provisions to ensure that certain operations and practices will not be carried out before a child is old enough to be consulted.
Parliamentary Assembly
Resolution No. ____ (2013)
Provisional version
Adults’ right to intellectual integrity (concerning
Jewish circumcision)
1. Europe is a continent where Jews have been present for more than two millennia.
2. Jews have always been a distinctive group for their religion and practices within their communities, but no Jewish community has ever acted against European values and the rule of law of the place, region or State where they live or have lived.
3. Jews have always adapted their external practices in order to abide
by the laws of the place, region or State, even where such laws had been
adopted in order to discriminate the Jews, preventing them from certain
activities or restricting their rights, or to force them to pay for the
fundamental or basic rights recognised to non-Jews.
4. Not a single discriminatory law adopted all over Europe at different
periods of European history has ever been justified by any recognised European
values, but exclusively by reasons, be them economic or political, that can be
all encompassed under the term of anti-Semitism.
5. European anti-Semitism has produced large massacres and the
destruction of Jewish communities and eventually allowed the Pogroms and the
Holocaust (or Shoa), where six million innocent Jews perished under the Nazi
6. After 80 years of the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of
Germany and the Parliamentary Enabling Act giving him dictatorial powers, the burning
of the Reichstag, the opening of the Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and Ravensbrück
concentration camps, the first Nazi policies boycotting Jewish shops and
businesses, the burning of books in Berlin and throughout Germany, the adoption
of legislation allowing forced sterilization of those found to have genetic
defects, the exclusion of Jews from Arts, the prohibition of Jews from owning
land and from being newspaper editors, among other discriminatory measures, and
after 70 years of the liquidation of the Krakow, Vilna, Minsk and Bialystok
Ghettos, the Waffen-SS attack of the Jewish Resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto,
the declaration of Berlin to be Judenfrei
(cleansed of Jews) and Himmler’s open talks about the Final Solution, Europe is
facing a renewal of open anti-Semitism, such as the killing of innocent Jews,
including children, for the mere fact that they are Jews, negationism of the
Holocaust by certain public figures with widespread media coverage or open
political statements against Jews among many other examples of anti-Semitic
7. Europe faces also a series of disguised anti-Semitic initiatives,
including measures aimed at preventing or prohibiting Jewish circumcision by
treating it as equal to any form of circumcision or as comparable to female
genital mutilation.
8. Many legislative and policy measures and recommendations, including by
Council of Europe, to regulate the
circumcision for religious reasons, have mistakenly not treated Jewish
circumcision with due regard to its distinctive nature and core value for any
Jewish identity and wrongly considered it as an issue of children’s right to
physical integrity as comparable to female genital mutilation, the latter clearly
impacting on a woman’s capacity to have pleasure and depriving them from a
normal sexual life, entailing permanent psychological effects.
9. During all the history of the Jewish people religious circumcision
has been performed on boys at the age of eight days with no negative effect for
their health and no negative mental consequences, thus having no long-lasting
negative impact on their lives.
10. By comparison, parents’, legal guardians’ and other responsible
persons’ decisions regarding the food and beverages to be given to small
children or their physical activities –or lack of it-, do actually have
long-lasting impact on children’s lives and most of the over-weight and obesity
health problems in Europe are a direct consequence of such decisions and
represent a real matter for concern, differently from any allegedly (and
totally unproved) consequence of Jewish circumcision.
11. Jewish circumcision as performed during all the Jewish history for
religious reasons does not constitute a physical or mental violence, injury or
abuse against boys (no dysfunctional or painful consequence has ever been
recorded for any human organ due to Jewish circumcision) and does not violate
any of the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
Child (UNCRC) nor of any other international conventions or treaties adopted at
UN or European levels and certainly cannot be considered as violating any
children’s rights at any level.
12. National and international initiatives aimed at prohibiting Jewish
circumcision on grounds of health protection or prevention of violence against
children have not overcome any of the medical and cultural counter-arguments
presented by representatives of the Jewish communities and no evidence of
negative impact has ever been produced so as to justify such initiatives.
Therefore, these shall always be a matter of concern as to their likely
anti-Semitic hidden agenda.
13. Circumcised Jews have made great contributions to the world and to
Europe all long their history in all fields of Science and Arts. Given the fact
that Jews correspond to just a very small part of the population of Europe and
that their contributions to the development of European societies and nations
are proportionally much larger than their corresponding presence in any given
European society and nation, it is quite obvious that if Jewish circumcision
has had any impact on Jews –as alleged by its opponents-, it can only have been
a positive impact. This fact is further corroborated by the evidence that there
is no record of any Jews complaining about their condition of being
14. The social and psychological impact on Jewish boys of not being
circumcised would certainly be considerable and any attempt to prevent or even
regulate Jewish circumcision would certainly constitute a measure of violence against
their Jewish identity and may contribute to the weakening of the Jewish culture
and presence in Europe. Thus, any measures that might be taken to prevent
Jewish circumcision as it has been performed for more than two thousand years
in Europe should give rise to serious concern given their similarity with the
goals that inspired the facts of 80 and 70 years ago recalled above and many
other not recalled in this text.
15. The Assembly strongly recommends that member States promote further awareness in their societies of the potential risks that some of the above mentioned procedures of indistinctive approaches as to Jewish circumcision may have on encouraging anti-Semitism, and take legislative and policy measures to reinforce Jewish circumcision protection as a fundamental issue among other measures aimed at combating anti-Semitism.
16. The Assembly calls on member States to:
16.1 regard Jewish circumcision as a distinctive form of circumcision;
16.2 not consider Jewish circumcision as a form of violence, physical or
mental, or abuse or injury against children while discussing measures to be
taken in order to protect children’s integrity;
16.3 not discuss or treat Jewish circumcision as equal to other forms of
circumcision and not as comparable to female genital mutilation;
16.4 not discuss any issue regarding Jewish circumcision without
consulting with representatives of all the prevalent Jewish groups and without
taking into account their positions, statements and opinions;
16.5 take legislative and other measures in order to promote further
awareness that Jewish circumcision is a fundamental part of Jewish identity and
that measures to prevent or regulate it may have wider and further negative
consequences, including the increase of acts of violence against the Jewish
population in Europe and other forms of anti-Semitism;
16.6 extend these focused awareness-raising measures to schools, higher
education institutions, legislative, executive and judicial bodies, and media
professionals among other groups;
16.7 public condemn any initiative aimed at attacking or preventing
Jewish circumcision or at comparing it to other forms of circumcision or at
treating it among any forms of violence against children, including female
genital mutilation.
17. The Assembly calls on member States to take into account the present
Resolution when considering any other texts referring to circumcision for
religious reasons, including Resolution 1952 (2013).
Thursday, October 3, 2013
HATIKVA: Astrith Baltsan teaches
Ha Tikva (The Hope): learning the amazing 600-year origin of the national anthem of Israel and much more with Astrith Baltsan
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Dialogue entre René et Samuel (de mon livre 'Les mystères de René Bardof', pas encore publié, qui est une traduction modifiée de mon livre 'O Código David')
«- Mais n’est-ce pas justement le Pouvoir Judiciaire qui est appelé à juger?
Exactement. Il s’agit d’une question de pouvoir, c’est-à-dire, du pouvoir de se
prononcer par omission sans devoir en répondre des conséquences. C’est pour
cette raison que le Pouvoir, avec un «P» majuscule, ne peut pas être confié à
des personnes avec un «p» minuscule. C’est le drame de la démocratie. Si le «d»
de celui-là est majuscule et celui de celle-ci est minuscule, le «j» de la
justice sera minuscule. Mais si c’est l’opposé, alors nous aurons l’espoir du Tsedek Tsedek, de la Justice Juste.
- Vous, les
juristes, vous parlez toujours de démocratie, mais ce qu’on appelle démocratie
c’est un héritage grec qui ne correspond pas à ce que nous désirons qu’elle
soit quand nous y faisons allusion.
- Comment
ça, elle ne correspond pas? La démocratie est un idéal.
- Mais c’est
là justement tout le problème. N’étant qu’un idéal, celui-ci n’est même pas ce
qu’il devrait être.
- Et
qu’est-ce qu’il devrait être alors?
- La vraie
- C’est la
démocratie qu’on n’a pas héritée des Grecs, raison pour laquelle, à la rigueur,
il ne faudrait pas non plus employer le mot démocratie.
- Et de qui
aurions-nous hérité ou plutôt aurions-nous dû hériter de la démocratie qui n’en
est pas une?
- Je n’ai
pas dit que ce n’est pas de la démocratie. J’ai dit que ça ne s’appelle pas
- Alors,
comment s’appelle-t-elle cette démocratie?
- Shemocratie.
- D’où as-tu
sorti cette histoire de shemocratie?
- De notre
tradition. Si le monde avait choisi l’héritage d’Israël plutôt que celui des
Grecs, ce que nous aurions aujourd’hui ce serait de la shemocratie.
- Et en quoi
consiste-t-elle cette shemocratie?
- Tout d’abord,
notre profession de foi, «Shema Israel»,
c’est-à-dire «Écoute, Israël». Mais il ne s’agit pas uniquement d’écouter, mais
d’effectivement prendre en compte ce qu’est dit pour être entendu.
- Et
- Le récit
de la Tour de Babel, que nous lisons dans la paracha Noach.
- Je
remarque que tu as un déluge d’idées sur n’importe quel sujet et que le ciel
est la limite. Ça ne fait rien. Continue.
- Tu as
certainement lu “De la Démocratie en Amérique” d’Alexis de Tocqueville.
- Il y a
- Tocqueville
y parle de l’omnipuissance de la majorité. Quand il traite du pouvoir de la
majorité sur la pensée, il dit qu’il ne connaît aucun pays où règne, en
général, moins d’indépendance de l’esprit et de vraie liberté de discussion
qu’en Amérique, où la majorité dessine un cercle formidable autour de la
pensée. À l’intérieur de ces limites l’écrivain est libre. Mais malheur à celui
qui ose les franchir. Il subira des persécutions tous les jours. Cette
démocratie dictatoriale est d’origine grecque.
- Comment
ça? Je n’ai pas encore saisi en quoi la démocratie grecque n’est pas
- Par
exemple, dans le dialogue entre Socrate et Criton, le premier émet des opinions
tandis que le second ne fait que dire «oui», «comment nier?», «c’est bien
clair», «exacte» et beaucoup d’autres phrases qui n’expriment que son accord
avec le philosophe ou ne servent qu’à préparer le terrain pour l’affirmation
socratique suivante, mais sans jamais les contester.
- En somme,
tu es en train de dire que la fameuse dialectique grecque n’est rien d’autre
qu’un monologue travesti de dialogue.
Exactement. Par contre, la tradition d’Israël est tout l’opposé. Dans la paracha Noach, par exemple, les hommes
décident de construire une tour pour arriver jusqu’au ciel et Dieu, qu’est-ce
qu’Il dit? «Voilà un même peuple et une même langue pour eux tous; c’est ça qui
leur a fait commencer». Autrement dit, le pouvoir absolu, tout le contraire de
ce qu’on entend d’habitude par démocratie. Dieu confond la langue de sorte que
les hommes passent à parler des langues différentes, selon chaque peuple. Ce
qu’Il fait c’est, si tu m’autorises l’analogie, donner de la voix à Criton. La
voix discordante. L’important c’est qu’il n’y ait pas de pensée unique. Non pas
pour qu’il n’y ait pas de confusion, mais pour qu’il y ait un dialogue réel et
vrai et, par conséquent, du progrès. C’est ça le sens des différentes langues,
car même dans les pays où tous parlent la même langue, la démocratie ne peut
consister dans une majorité qui ignore la minorité. La différence, quelle
qu’elle soit, y compris d’opinion ou de croyance, c’est ce qui nous protège de
la dictature.
- C’est ça
la démocratie?
- Non, ça
c’est la shemocratie, c’est-à-dire le
régime de l’écoute effective de l’autre, des minorités, par opposition au régime
de la seule majorité.
- En somme,
tu proposes que l’héritage grec soit remplacé par l’héritage d’Israël.
- C’est ce
que je soutiens, en effet. Et le monde sera plus juste et meilleur ainsi.
- Ne t’en
fais pas. Je n’invente rien. On n’y peut
pas avoir de meilleure source, car le texte biblique lui-même nous en donne la
base légale nécessaire. Après, ce n’est qu’une question de choix pour la shemocratie.
- Est-ce que
tu pourrais être plus précis? C’est-à-dire, donner la référence de cette base
- Évidemment. Quand Dieu décide de détruire Sodome avec tous ses habitants,
Abraham conteste cette décision en
questionnant comment Dieu pourrait-Il anéantir d’un même coup l’innocent avec
le coupable. Abraham plaide pour le pardon de Dieu à la contrée s’il s’y
trouvaient cinquante justes. Et Dieu écoute Abraham qui, alors, place ce seuil
du pardon à quarante-cinq dans sa plaidoirie, et ensuite à quarante, puis,
successivement, à trente, à vingt et, enfin, à dix, et à chaque fois Dieu
l’écoute. Le Roi tout puissant écoute celui qui n’est pas, mais se fait le
porte-parole des innocents de Sodome. C’est peut-être parce que Dieu venait de
lui dire qu’il avait été distingué pour prescrire la voie de l’Éternel non pas
par la dictature, mais au travers de la pratique de la vertu et de la justice.
Or, la démocratie comme étant la loi de la majorité aurait conduit Dieu à
détruire Sodome du simple fait que la majorité méritait de mourir. La shemocratie, c’est-à-dire la loi de l’écoute
de la minorité, permit à Dieu de prendre en compte les mots d’Abraham et
d’aller compter, à chaque fois, les innocents, conformément à la plaidoirie.
Malheureusement, il n’y avait même pas dix innocents à Sodome, et comme Abraham
ne poussa pas plus loin, Dieu anéantit Sodome. »
René Bardof,
O campeão italiano, duas vezes vencedor do Tour de France (1938 e 1948) e três vezes do Giro d'Italia (1936, 1937 e 1946), recebeu no passado dia 23 de setembro a título póstumo o reconhecimento de "Justo entre as Nações", a maior distinção outorgada por Israel (Yad Vashem) àqueles que ao risco de suas vidas salvaram judeus durante a Shoa.
Católico devoto, Gino Bartali participou da rede dirigida pelo rabino de Florença Nathan Cassuto junto com o arcebispo de Florença, o cardeal Elia Angelo Dalla Costa, para salvar judeus durante a ocupação alemã da Itália na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Arriscando sua vida, Gino Bartali ajudou a salvar centenas de judeus locais e refugiados. Sob pretensos treinamentos ele transportava documentos dissimulados na sua bicicleta percorrendo trajetos de até 350 km (ida e volta).
Tendo em vista os péssimos exemplos de alguns vencedores do Tour de France e outras competições importantes do ciclismo mundial que recorreram a drogas para aumentar suas performances, colocando em risco apenas a própria saúde para o fim egoísta de suas glórias pessoais, enganando milhões de fãs e muitos patrocinadores, é importante recordar Gino Bartali.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Cópia única do primeiro filme americano de propaganda antinazista, 'Hitler, o reino do terror', foi descoberta na Cinemateca de Bruxelas. O filme de 1933, realizado por Cornelius Vanderbilt, rico industrial americano que passou pela Alemanha nesse ano, é um documentário cinematográfico das reuniões de massa do partido nazista e das destruições de lojas de judeus e foi apresentado em Nova York em 1934, tendo sido muito bem recebido. No entanto, a embaixada da Alemanha em Washington conseguiu obter rapidamente a censura e uma adaptação do filme, de maneira que a segunda versão teve muito menos sucesso. Uma apresentação da versão original está prevista para o fim do mês de outubro no Museu de Arte Moderna de Nova York. Fonte:, 20/09/2013 (via
Cornelius Vanderbilt,
Propaganda antinazista
La nouvelle loi sur le blanchiment d’argent et les
pratiques de compliance
(article paru dans Aujourd’hui
le Brésil)
Roberto Bedrikow*
Le Brésil est un pays plein d’opportunités, mais
aussi de lois et réglementations qui évoluent constamment. C’est là l’une des
difficultés majeures pour les entreprises, notamment lorsque cette législation
ne concerne pas directement le noyau de leurs activités.
L’un des sujets qui ne concernent, heureusement, que
de façon indirecte la plupart des entreprises c’est le blanchiment d’argent,
car peu sont celles qui agissent dans ce but. Néanmoins, aucune ne peut se
considérer à l’abri des conséquences de l’indifférence. L’échec de la
communauté internationale dans sa lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent, et
aussi la corruption, par le biais exclusif de la répression a conduit à
l’adoption de normes internationales (Conventions de Vienne de 1988 et de
Palerme de 2000, Recommendations du GAFI[1])
demandant aux pays de prendre des mesures efficaces non seulement pour punir,
mais aussi pour prévenir autant qu’il se peut cette forme de criminalité. La
conséquence est l’adoption de législations nationales qui, outre les normas
pénales, créent des obligations dont le respect sera de plus en plus exigé
tandis que les manquements seront de plus en plus coûteux.
Au Brésil, la loi nº 12.683, du 9 juillet 2012, a
introduit d’importantes modifications dans la législation sur le blanchiment
d’argent. D’abord, les peines de réclusion (de 3 à 10 ans) et amende pour le
crime de blanchiment d’argent ne se limitent plus aux seuls huit crimes qui
étaient prévus auparavant, mais peuvent être appliquées maintenant pour des
biens provenant de n’importe quelle infraction pénale. Ensuite, le champ d’application
de la loi est devenu tellement vaste que son applicabilité ne connaît
pratiquement aucune exception et la simple utilisation d’un tel bien, même
lorsque son origine illicite n’était pas connue, peut engendrer des
conséquences pour celui qui n’a rien fait pour l’éviter.
Ainsi, l’obligation d’adopter des mesures pour
connaître le client (‘ Know Your
Client ’), des politiques, procédures et contrôles adéquats (compliance) selon les dispositions
légales et les normes des organes compétents doit être prise très au sérieux.
Les sanctions légales vont de l’amende (double de la valeur de l’opération ou
du bénéfice réel obtenu ou présumé, plafonnant à vingt millions de reais –environ 10,2 millions de dollars
ou 9,6 millions de francs suisses ou 7,7 millions d’euros) jusqu’à l’inhabilitation
temporaire, pouvant s’étendre jusqu’à dix ans, pour l’exercice de l’activité
d’administrateur, ou encore la suspension ou la cassation de l’autorisation
pour l’activité, l’opération ou le fonctionnement de l’entreprise.
Le COAF –Conseil de Contrôle des Activités Financières-
du Ministère des Finances a repris ses activités de réglementation par
l’adoption de pas moins de cinq nouvelles résolutions (portant sur les
activités de: affacturage [factoring];
distribution d’argent ou de biens meubles ou immeubles par loteries; commerce
de bijoux et pierres et métaux précieux; conseil, contabilité, audit, assistance ;
commerce ou intermédiation de biens de luxe ou de haute valeur), lesquelles
viennent d’entrer en viguer ou entreront jusqu’au 1er juin prochain.
Par ailleurs, le Ministère Public Fédéral a entrepris d’obliger les entités
compétentes à adopter leurs propres réglementations à la lumière de la nouvelle
loi et de soutenir les mesures judiciaires des tribunaux en matière de
blanchiment d’argent.
Dans ce nouveau cadre de lutte contre le blanchiment
d’argent, d’ailleurs très influencé par les scandales survenus pendant l’année
2012 en Europe et aux États Unis et notamment par la rigueur des autorités, y
compris pour des opérations à l’étranger,[2]
on peut s’attendre à une plus grande rigueur dans l’application de la loi sur
le blanchiment d’argent au Brésil aussi. Dès lors, il est essentiel, avant même
les premières sanctions plus expressives et coûteuses, que les entreprises
adoptent les pratiques de compliance
(sensibilisation et formation de leurs équipes, élaboration et mise en oeuvre
de programmes, évaluations et améliorations constantes) qui mieux les
préservent des possibles conséquences fâcheuses, pour ne pas dire plus, des
manquements à leurs obligations légales. L’adoption de ces pratiques doit être
faite selon une approche éminemment juridique, car ce qui sera déterminant ce
sera la nature et la solidité de la preuve qui sera produite, le cas échéant,
devant les autorités administratives et/ou judiciaires.
*Juriste (Université de Genève); avocat inscrit au
Barreau à São Paulo et associé à Suchodolski Advogados Associados (
[1] Groupe d’action financière, qui est un
organisme intergouvernemental créé en 1989 par les Ministres de ses états membres
pour l’élaboration des normes et la promotion de l’efficace application de
mesures législatives, réglementaires et opérationnelles en matière de lutte
contre le blanchiment de capitaux, le financement du terrorisme et les autres
menaces liées pour l’intégrité du système financier international. Le GAFI a
élaboré une série de Recommandations reconnues comme étant la norme
internationale en ces matières.
[2] Par exemple l’amende de 1,92 milliards de
dollars infligée en décembre 2012 à la banque HSBC aux États Unis pour, entre
autres, ses opérations au Mexique.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Each Brazilian corporation shall comply with an
average of 3,507 pieces of legislation or 5.9 kilometers of rules if printed in
A4 format, Arial 12. In case anyone reads and understands all these kilometers
of legal provisions, don’t be too proud, for administrative and/or judicial
bodies will be interpreting any of the articles, paragraphs, subparagraphs or
items on that legal route and be changing their preview understandings quite
regularly. The total cost for the country: circa R$45 billion. Companies that
most benefit from the various and large opportunities of the Brazilian market
are those better prepared to surf over the conundrum of Brazilian regulations.
They apply the rule ‘My lawyer is certainly my best friend’.
Let’s be realistic: between 1988 and 2012 more
than 4.6 million pieces of legislation have been adopted. That represents 788
new ones every single working day. More than 290 thousand related to tax
regulation, or more than 1.41 new tax regulations every hour in every single
working day. Of the total number of pieces of legislation adopted during that
period, 13.02% (or 600,912) were still in force at the end of that period. Considering
only tax regulations, 7.5% (or 21,820) were still in force in October 2012. During
this same period each of the 26 Brazilian States (and the Federal District) adopted
an average of 43.438 new pieces of legislation, or 7.42 per working day, while
each municipality adopted an average of 560.91 new pieces of legislation per
working day. The distribution of the 526 (of which 30 are tax regulations)
pieces of legislation adopted every day in Brazil are as such: at federal
level: 18 (3 are tax regulations); at state level: 134 (10 are tax
regulations); at local level: 375 (17 are tax regulations). If one considers
that every piece of tax legislation contains an average of 11.23 articles, 2.33
paragraphs, 7.45 subparagraphs and 0.98 items, that by October 2012 there were
245,037 articles, 570,937 paragraphs, 1,825,528 subparagraphs and 240,137 items
in force and that companies do not
engage in business in every Brazilian State, each Brazilian corporation shall
comply to an average of 3,507 pieces of legislation (39,384 articles, 91,764
paragraphs, 293,408 subparagraphs and 38,596 items) or 5.9 kilometers of rules
if printed in A4 format, Arial 12. These and other data useful to understand
the importance of legal and accounting services as matters of primary concern
when setting up a company in Brazil can be found in Insomniacs may wish to read the
book of 6.2 tons and 43,216 pages (2.2 height x 1.4 width) where a lawyer
collected all the Brazilian tax legislation (Federal, 27 States and 5 thousand
municipalities), [in Estadão]. Roberto Bedrikow (September, 2013)
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